

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

100th Vote Bonus

We've already had quite a few votes cast through votifier and at the current rate we'll hit 100 within the next couple of days, so we've decided to give the person who casts the 100th vote a special bonus...

In addition to the usual number of Industrial Diamonds the person who casts the 100th vote will receive 10 extras, plus 5 will be given to every other player who is online at the time!

The extra diamonds can't be given automatically but player names will be logged, I'll be regularly checking so I can get them to you asap once the 100 mark is reached.

Good Luck!

Name Our Currency!

The economy is here to stay, but, it's a bit long winded having to keep saying 'in game money' on the website etc, so we need to come up with a name for our new currency....

We've had a couple of suggestions so far:

DiggyBucks or DiggyDollars - Jav0330

DiggyQuids - DigginChickin

If you'd like to make a suggestion then please make a comment below and we'll run a poll in a few days to pick from the best ones.

Downtime Tomorrow

There will be a short downtime and the server will be whitelisted for about 10-15 minutes tomorrow morning after the 9 am maintenance. This is to set up and test Vault, a plugin which will give us more options for adding new economy related features.

If you know of an interesting plugin that...
  1. Is Minecraft 1.2.5 / Tekkit Classic compatible
  2. Support Essentials Economy or Vault
...then feel free to send me a link with some info!