

Tuesday 30 September 2014

Survey + Modpack Update


Just a quick message to thank everyone who has taken the survey so far, if you haven't already you can still have your say using the link below...

Click here to complete the survey.

The feedback has been very positive and interestingly the majority of mods that people have said they would like to see in the pack are definitely going to be in it!

One of the mods requested via the survey wasn't planned to be in the pack but after looking at it in depth we've decided it fits very well with other mods that we had already included and have now got permission to include it, so your feedback really can make a difference!

I'll be closing the survey and posting some statistics in around a week.


Unfortunately we still haven't heard back regarding the two mods we don't have permission for yet.

I've sent the modders a follow up request but if we haven't heard back by 7th October we will have to assume we can't get permission and unfortunately will have to remove them from the pack.

On a good note though we have got permission for 59 out of 61 mods, or 60 out of 62 including the one mentioned above, and had some great feedback from some of the modders who have had a sneak preview of the modpack.

More news to come soon, and we are now getting very close to starting final testing!